Here at Short Pump Animal Hospital, we recommend that your pet have regular teeth cleanings and checkups. When we perform dental cleanings, the veterinarian along with a trained Licensed Veterinary Technician perform dental radiographs, scaling and polishing of the teeth and gumline, dental probing and charting of any abnormalities is performed. The veterinarian and technician will look for:
Regular cleanings are necessary to prevent the accumulation of plaque and tartar. This buildup of bacteria can cause serious diseases for your pet. Decayed or infected gums can cause significant pain for your pet, along with difficulty eating, drinking, or sleeping. To ensure that your pet has good oral health, we recommend that dog and cat owners schedule regular cleanings and dental exams.
Dental radiography is an excellent way to find any concerns that lurk under the gumline in your pet’s mouth. Dental x-rays can find hidden teeth, masses, bone loss, tooth root abscesses and other endodontic disease. Radiography can help us find any hidden issues so that they can be addressed promptly to improve and prolong the health of your pet.
Brushing your pet’s teeth can significantly improve their dental hygiene. It is also a good way to prevent the buildup of plaque and bacteria. You can also try to give them treats or foods or toys that are designed to improve their dental health. If your pet does not let you brush its teeth, more frequent routine cleanings and checkups will help to prevent tooth loss and decay.
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